Nun and lesbianism: A New Translation of an Ethiopian Manuscript Sheds Light on African Women’s Anticolonialism

By Allison Miller, Historians Asked how she came to translate the life story of Walatta Petros, a 17th-century Ethiopian woman saint, Wendy Belcher jokes that the story takes a while to tell. She’s right. Just published by Princeton University Press,The Life and Struggles of Our Mother Walatta Petros, written by a monk in 1672, which Belcher…

Why are there Swastika symbols on Lalibela churches in Ethiopia?

The Swastika and the Suavastika Crosses Alternative names: Bent Cross Buddhist Cross Crooked Cross Cross Gurgity Crux Gammata Fylfot Gamma Cross Gammadion Cross German Cross Hakaristi Hakenkreuz Hakenkruis Hooked Cross Khas Manji Nazi Cross Pērkonkrusts Rotating Cross Spinning Cross Suavastika Swastika Tetraskelion Wheel of the Dharma. Swastika Swastika The Suavastika Suavastika This is a religious…