The Limits Of The New “Nile Agreement”

Brookings, By Mwangi S. Kimenyi and John Mukum Mbaku On Monday, March 23, 2015, leaders of Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan met in the Sudanese capital Khartoum to sign an agreement that is expected to resolve various issues arising out of the decision by Ethiopia to construct a dam on the Blue Nile. The Khartoum declaration, which…

3 International Water Conflicts to Watch

Geopolitical Monitor 1. China-India: The Brahmaputra River The Brahmaputra River is a 2,900 km river that originates in Tibet and flows through India’s Arunachal Pradesh state before merging with the Ganges and draining into the Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh. It is considered an important resource in all three countries that it flows through: for…

The Nile Waters agreement

By Pierre Crabitès Foreign Affairs October 1929 THE Egyptian Gazette of May 9, 1929, carried the text of an agreement on the long-debated question as to the use of the waters of the River Nile. The agreement, which recognizes on the one hand.that the Sudan needs more water for its development, and on the other hand that…