Ethiopian Foreign Policy

Foreign Embassy and Consulate Telephone Numbers, Addis Ababa

Below are the telephone numbers of the  foreign Embassies and Consulates that are located in Addis Ababa. The phone numbers will be updated as regularly as possible.

Embassy/Consulate Country Telephone Numbers
Algeria +251 371 9666
Angola +251 551 9009
Austria +251 371 2144
Belgium +251 551 7765
Benin +251 371 5422
Brazil +251 662 0401
Bulgaria +251 661 0032
Burkinafaso +251 661 5863
Burundi +251 465 1300
Canada +251 371 3022
Cape Verde +251 663 5466
Chad +251 372 0315
China +251 371 1960
Congo Brazzaville +251 661 0012
Congo D. Rep. +251 372 5887
Congo Rep +251 551 4331
Cameroon +251 661 0012
Cote D’Ivoir +251 515 9866
Cuba +251 662 0459
Czech Rep +251 551 6382
Denmark +251 371 1377
Djibouti +251 661 3006
Egypt +251 122 6417
Equatorial Guinea +251 662 6278
European Commission +251 661 2511
Finland +251 320 5920
France +251 123 4767
Gabon +251 661 1075
Gambia +251 662 4647
Germany +251 123 5139
Ghana +251 371 1770
Greece +251 465 4911
Guinea +251 465 1308
India +251 123 5538
Indonesia +251 371 2104
Iran +251 371 0026
Ireland +251 466 5050
Israel +251 646 0999
Italy +251 123 5717
Japan +251 551 1088
Kenya +251 661 0033
Kuwait +251 661 5411
Lesotho +251 661 4368
Korea (North) +251 663 7430
Korea (South) +251 465 5220
Liberia +251 553 3655
Libya +251 551 1077
Madagascar +251 661 2555
Malawi +251 371 1280
Mali +251 416 8990
Mauritania +251 372 9165
Mauritius +251 661 5997
Mozambique +251 661 0204
Namibia +251 553 4701
Netherlands +251 371 1100
Niger +251 465 1296
Nigeria +251 155 2308
Norway +251 371 0799
Palestine +251 371 0719
Romania +251 661 0156
Russia +251 661 1828
Rwanda +251 661 0300
Poland +251 371 0033
Portugal +251 371 0033
Sahara Republic +251 371 8666
Saudi Arabia +251 663 2308
Senegal +251 661 1376
Sierra Leone +251 371 0033
Serbia +251 551 7804
Slovak Republic +251 655 5723
Somalia +251 618 0673
South Africa +251 371 3034
Spain +251 122 2544
Sudan +251 551 6477
Swaziland +251 626 2125
Sweden +251 518 0024
Switzerland +251 371 0577
Tanzania +251 662 7840
Togo +251 372 1912
Tunisia +251 662 1840
Turkey +251 661 2321
Uganda +251 551 3114
Ukraine +251 661 1698
United Kingdom +251 661 2354
United States +251 517 4000
Venezuela +251 646 7440
Yemen +251 371 9666
Zambia +251 371 1302
Zimbabwe +251 661 3877