Ethiopian Foreign Policy

Here Are The 6 Major Agreements Reached Among Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan

According to Be Fitsum Girma

Here are the 6 major agreements reached at Khartoum’s meeting among the Foreign and Water ministers of Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan or during the 11th TNC;
1.  Artelia replaced deltares as a subcontracting firm,
2. The Foreign and Water Ministers of Egypt and Sudan are invited to visit GERD,
3. The three countries agreed to encourage efforts aimed at confidence building,
4.The three countries have “reached a consensus over the next steps” (the f@#*ed up part)

According to Egyptian points of view “Ethiopia has also agreed to not fill the dam with any water from the Nile River until some sort of consensus has been reached between the three countries. “
5. They have agreed to hold the regular meetings to enhance cooperation  among the three countries,
6. Agreed to convene their next meeting in Ethiopia