አእምሮ – The First Newspaper in Ethiopia in Amharic

አእምሮ አእምሮ Newspaper was established during Emperor Menelik’s time. The first ever issue was distributed in and around 1889 and was written in the Amharic language. The newspaper was weekly and the first ever issue had 24 copies. It was the fisrt modern newspaper in Africa by African language.  After Amharic, the second earliest modern…

Meles Zenawi interview excerpts

African Arguments “Unlike all previous governments our writ runs in every village” – By Richard Dowden RAS Director Richard Dowden interviewed Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles on May 12th 2012. What follows is a selection of quotes from the interview on subjects ranging from democracy to the demise of Muammar Gadaffi and ‘land grabbing.’ To read Richard’s…

3 International Water Conflicts to Watch

Geopolitical Monitor 1. China-India: The Brahmaputra River The Brahmaputra River is a 2,900 km river that originates in Tibet and flows through India’s Arunachal Pradesh state before merging with the Ganges and draining into the Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh. It is considered an important resource in all three countries that it flows through: for…